Monday, December 8, 2014

Grade 7 Healthy Eating

1.  What you eat can contribute positively to your overall health, but it can also contribute to health problems.    List the benefits of eating healthy and the negative effects of an unhealthy diet.

Healthy Diet:  Gives you the vitamins your body needs

Unhealthy Diet:  Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

2.  List the Personal and External factors that affect people's food choices and eating routines

Personal:  Busy schedule

External: Family budget

3.  How can people make healthy food choices if their choices are limited by a dislike of certain foods, by a food allergy, by personal beliefs bout ethical food choices, by cultural preferences or religious food rules, or by budget limitations?

4.  Create a sample daily menu ( breakfast, snack, lunch, and dinner) that incorporates healthy nutritional options (Proper number of servings for each food group)

Canada's Food Guide

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