Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Did anyone find a Science Poster?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone by chance picked up/saw JM's Science poster after school?  The poster is on Kinkajous and Strangler Figs.  If you accidentally brought it home, please bring it to school tomorrow.

See you tomorrow



Mr. K's Love of Music

To do list..

  •  Math Homework- tomorrow (ON THE BLOG)
  •  Math Checkpoint signed- tomorrow
  •  Weekly Blogpost- due tomorrow ( YOU HAD 2 weeks to complete it)
  •  Bitstrips Avatar- Thursday
  •  Public Service Announcement- Friday
  • DRA- Tomorrow (Most students completed it in class)
  • Art Portfolio- due tomorrow

Have a good night


Math Homework

What is the GCF and LCM of 144 & 216?

Monday, September 29, 2014

To do list....

1.  Math Homework-  2 d, f, g, h (4 factor trees)

2.  PSA filming- tomorrow

3.  Hep. B shots- tomorrow

4.  Weekly blogpost- due Wednesday (48 hours remaining)

Have a good night


Friday, September 26, 2014


Some students expressed interest in completing their weekly blogpost on Bitstrips.  I have set up a new class.  Below, are the steps you need to follow:

1.  Click on Bitstrips (under important links)

2.  Click on Log in

3.  Our classroom code is k204

4.  Click on your name.

5.  Set your password (Please use your School password)
*Please note you only set your password the first time you access the website

6.  Have fun!!!


Love of Music brainstorming

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

To do list......

  • Math Homework Pg. 12 & 13 
        #4, 5 a, b, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14
  • Weekly Blogpost- due Wednesday 
  • Meet the Teacher- Thursday, October 2
  • Terry Fox run- Friday, October 3 (Donations will be collected at school and can be made online)
  • History- due Monday

Have a good weekend


Thursday, September 25, 2014

To do list..

Weekly Blogpost- due Wednesday (Brainstorming tomorrow, and time to work on it)

Bring in all signed rubrics/ forms

History- due tomorrow

Art- due Wednesday

Have a good night


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

To do list...

  • Math homework- due tomorrow
  • All forms/rubrics signed
  • Art- due Wednesday
  • "Love of Music"- Weekly Blogposts

Friday, September 19, 2014

To do list.....

1.  Work on your Blogpost "Love of Music"

2.  Science Project- Tuesday, September 23 ?????? I think

3.  Make sure you have an independent reading book here daily

4.  All your forms signed (Hep. B, All about me Math, Bakery Form, etc....)

Have a good weekend


Thursday, September 18, 2014

To do list...

Prepare for your math evaluation tomorrow!

Have a good night



What are they?

What are the features of PSA?

What makes a memorable PSA?

Let's take a look at a few PSA examples

WEEKLY BLOGPOST #2- "Love of Music"

 Weekly Blogpost

Learning Goal:  To create a visual representation of your "Love of Music"

Success Criteria:

  • Original/Creative/You've made it your own (This is the most important one)
  • Organized
  • Use images/text/other forms of media
  • Conventions (grammar/spelling/punctuation)
  • Choices are explained and justified

Your goal is to represent your "Love of Music".  This may include favourite artists, lyrics, radio stations, songs, genres of music, instruments you play......etc...

Due Wednesday, October 1

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

To do list...

1. All about me Math Rubric Signed

2.  Math handouts- Thursday

3. Math Quiz- Friday

4. Science Project- due Sept. 23

5.  Social Studies worksheet- Thursday

6.  Field Trip Tomorrow (Litterless lunch, dress appropriately)

7.  Finish Bucket List Presentations- Thursday

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mrs. Dion's Weekly Blogpost

To do list..

1. Finish Math handout

2. Math Quiz- Friday (Dividing, Multiplying, Adding, Subtracting, Estimating/Rounding, Expanded, Standard form, words,  place value vs value, multiplying/dividing by 10, 100, 1000, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001

3.  Weekly Blogpost Presentation- tomorrow

4.  Science Project- September 23




Sunday, September 14, 2014

Peer Assessment

Oral Presentation- "Bucket List"

Mr. K's bucket list

1.  Visit Fiji-  My wife and I have always wanted to travel to the beautiful country of Fiji.  This will be difficult to accomplish as it is located on the other side of the world.  As well,  if I go on my summer vacation, the seasons are flipped making it their winter.  If I travel across the globe, it better be ninety degrees.  I have a confession, technically I have been to Fiji. For a whopping 30 minutes, I was sitting on the runway at Nadi International airport while our plane refuelled on route to Brisbane, Australia.   

2.  Play golf at St. Andrews-  St. Andrews is often regarded as one of the oldest and most well known courses worldwide.  Many people refer to it as the "Home of Golf".  I enjoy watching and playing golf.  It is my dream to play at the "Old course" and walk across the Swilcan bridge which is located across the 18th hole fairway just like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson and many other legends.  Can you believe that on the seventeenth tee, you actually drive the ball over the edge of a hotel? Sounds dangerous!  

3.  Complete a Marathon

42.195 Kilometers or 26 miles and 385 yards!  To give you some perspective, the distance from our school to the Air Canada Center is about 50 Kilometers.  I think it would be an amazing accomplishment to be able to run a Marathon.  I'm not sure if the appeal of running a Marathon is it's one of the original Olympic events or that every year I'm curious to hear the winning time in the Boston Marathon.  After I finish a 10 km run, all I think to myself is I have to run four times this distance to accomplish my goal.  Small strides, but I know deep in my heart I can do it if I set my mind to it.  

4.  Write a weekly sports column

A typical Sunday morning would involve me drinking my coffee and scrolling through numerous newspaper articles and blog posts.  The topic always the same: SPORTS.  I think it would be fascinating to have people excited to read my weekly sports column.   I think I would call it "Brian's Take".....  I've already decided that I would write on a variety of sports including my favourites golf, soccer and hockey.  Maybe one day instead of rambling my thoughts to anyone who will listen I will actually write them down.   

5.  Watch the Manchester Derby at Old Trafford

The Manchester Derby is one of the most exciting sporting events of the year.  My wife says I say this countless number of times throughout the year but I would love to take this game in live at Old Trafford.  Basically if you live in Manchester, half of the city likes Manchester City (Blue) and the other half of Manchester likes Manchester United (Red).... When these teams meet, it's team vs team, supporters vs supporters, which leads to great entertainment.  I guess the closest rivalry to the Manchester Derby in North American sports would be the Montreal Canadians versus Toronto Maple Leafs or the Boston Red Sox vs New York Yankees.    


 We learned the structure and features of a RECOUNT!  Here is a useful link and the anchor chart we created.



Friday, September 12, 2014

How many triangles?

Many of you have requested another challenge!  Here you go.

"Triangle" Question

To do list..

1. Math handout- Monday

2. Weekly Blogpost- Tuesday

3.  Math checkpoint- Monday is the deadline

4. Hep. B & M Forms- ASAP

5.  Science Project- due September, 23

6. Math Quiz (End of the next week)

Congratulations to CC for getting our "Thinking" math question correct!

Have a good weekend


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Recount Rubric- Perseverance

To do list...

1.  Bucket List- Tuesday

2.  Recount Organizer- tomorrow

3.  Math handout- (All dividing/multiplication questions)

4.   Gym clothes tomorrow

5.  Math Checkpoint signed

6.  Science Project- Sept. 23

Have a good night


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


To do list..

  • Science Living Things Project- due Sept. 23
  • Weekly Blogpost "Bucket List"- Tuesday, September 16
  • Independent Reading Book
  • Gym Clothes- (We have a outdoor ed. period tomorrow)

Excellent Math Projects today :)!!!!

Have a good night


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ban on Homework

Ban on Homework

Ban of the homework

Math Checkpoint #1

Tomorrow we will have our first math checkpoint (Expanded form, words, standard form, place value)

Finding Mystery Numbers Part 2

1.  I am a 7-digit number.  My millions digit, 6, is 2 times my ten-thousands digit.  My thousands digit is 3 times my ten-thousands digit.  The sum of my digits is 18.  What number am I?

2.  I am a number less than 40 000.  All my digits are multiples of 3.  My first, third, and fifth digits are the same.  Both my thousands digit and my tens digit are 6 more than the others.  What number am I?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly Blogpost #1


Your task is to create your own bucket list (5 things) and post it onto your blog. Please describe why you chose each item and insert an image.  Here is the beginning of mine.  Next week you will present your bucket list to the class.

Beginning of Mr. K's bucket list

1.  Visit Fiji-  My wife and I have always wanted to travel to the beautiful country of Fiji.  This will be difficult to accomplish as it is located on the other side of the world.  As well,  if I go on my summer vacation, the seasons are flipped making it their winter.  If I travel across the globe, it better be ninety degrees.  I have a confession, technically I have been to Fiji. For a whopping 30 minutes, I was sitting on the runway at Nadi International airport while our plane refuelled on route to Brisbane, Australia.   

2.  Play golf at St. Andrews-  St. Andrews is often regarded as one of the oldest and most well known courses worldwide.  Many people refer to it as the "Home of Golf".  I enjoy watching and playing golf.  It is my dream to play at the "Old course" and walk across the Swilcan bridge which is located across the 18th hole fairway just like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson and many other legends.  Can you believe that on the seventeenth tee, you actually drive the ball over the edge of a hotel? Sounds dangerous!  

Due: Tuesday, September 15

To do list...

  • Independent Reading Book
  • Math Project posted onto your blog- Wednesday
  • Writing Diagnostic- Tomorrow
  • Pg. 103 #1-4 (2 bolded word definitions)
  • Weekly Blogpost presentations- Tuesday, September 16  (SEE POST ABOVE)
*  I will go over the WEEKLY BLOGPOST tomorrow in class 

Have a good night


Find the Mystery Number

1. I am a 9-digit number.  My hundred millions digit is greater than 6 and is double my thousands digit.  The digits in the units period are all 1s.  Each of the other digits is an odd number greater than 7.  What number am I?

2.  Write the following number in expanded form and in words
458 342 167 989. 56

3.  What is the value of the 1? 5? Place value of the 4?

Friday, September 5, 2014

To do list...

1. Independent Reading Book & Gym clothes- Monday

2.  Outdoor Education Form- ASAP

3.  Math Project posted onto your blog- Wednesday

4. Math Binder- 5 dividers (Number Sense, Measurement, Data Management & Probability, Algebra & Patterning, & Geometry

Have a good weekend


Thursday, September 4, 2014


Your student blogs are ready for use!



To do list......

1. Math homework-  Please write the following numbers in words & expanded form (100% I will be checking this tomorrow)

2.  Parents/Guardians please complete "Parent Contact Information" (Red link)

3.  MADD form- tomorrow

4.  Independent Reading Book- tomorrow

5.  Art- due Day 1 (Tuesday)

6.  Math Project- Wednesday

7.  Science Chapter 4.1- Copy 9 most important words and definitions
                                  - Pg. 44 ?? Questions 2-5
Have a good night


Dog Sledding!!!

How We Will Use Technology in this Classroom!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

This lowa school is using heart monitors to grade kids in PE

HEART MONITORS TO GRADE KIDS IN PE?  (Literacy/Health activity for tomorrow)

Feel free to preview the article and form your opinion!!!!!!

To do list...

1. Technology Forms- ASAP

2.  Parent Contact information- Parents/Guardians please complete this form ASAP (RED LINK).... Make sure you hit submit at the bottom.

3.  Independent Reading Book- Friday, September 5

4.  Math Project- Wednesday, September 10  (SEE MY EXAMPLE.... THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX)

5.  Gym Clothes- Friday

6. MADD permission form- ASAP (Presentation is Friday morning)

7.  Student Envelopes- ASAP

8.  Science Cover Page- due tomorrow

Have a good night


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Math Assignment- All about me

Your task is to create an "All about me" collage using numbers and operations.  You can complete this task as a hard copy or digitally.  Below is an example that I created.  I used a template within Pic Collage.

Success Criteria
  • Accurate
  • Original / Creative
  • Effective use of Colour
  • Organized

First Read aloud

Independent Reading Book

Bring a book to class!

Please bring a book you intend to read. It can be a:
  • novel
  • book of short stories
  • comic, manga, graphic novel
  • biography
  • informational book
  • etc.
Due: Friday, September 5

To do list...

1.  Classroom blog, BYOD, Digital literacy websites permission forms- ASAP

2.  MADD permission form- Friday

3. Gym clothes (Running shoes, T-shirt, shorts, possibly sweater & pants)

4. Binders/dividers/locks- ASAP

5.  Parents/Guardians complete Parent Contact information (RED LINK)

6.  Independent Reading Book- Friday, September 5

Have a good night



What it's like to live with ALS

Ice Bucket Challenge brings millions.....

The Marshmallow Challenge

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back

                                                                                                       September 2, 2014
Welcome back

 It’s hard to believe were back for another school year! I feel like I was just saying good bye to many of you. I have been teaching for seven years, that thought in itself is scary.  Although I must admit I didn’t even acknowledge the word “teaching” until August 18th, I am now ready and determined to making this year great. We will make mistakes together. Mistakes are a part of life. Anyone who has grew as a person or athlete has failed.  It’s what we learn from our mistakes that is the important thing. A colleague once told me I don’t want my students to achieve good grades, I want them to IMPROVE! Welcome to grade 7.

 Since I am going to be learning so much about you, I thought that it would be only fair to share some information about myself. I was born in Woodstock, which is about 30 minutes east of London. At a very early age I moved to a rural town called Princeton. As crazy as this sounds, there are more students in this school then people residing in that miniscule municipality. The public school that I attended was located in the middle of the town. It looked vastly different from Highview. There was one hallway in the school and a gym that was so small the NBA three point line would have been one half of the gym. Although it was a tiny school, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and I have very fond memories of my fellow classmates and teachers. In grade 9, my parents decided to move back to Woodstock so that our house would be closer to Huron Park Secondary School, the high school I spent five years at.

 After five years of high school (Yes, I went to grade 13 which was called OAC), I was faced with one of the hardest decisions of my young life; where would I attend University? My options were Western or Brock. I chose Brock University and I still believe today, that was the best decision I ever made in my life. Not only did I meet my future wife there, I met a bunch of friends that I’m still very close with to this day. After receiving an Honours Bachelor of Physical Education, I decided that I was going to travel across the globe and pursue my Masters of Education in the land down under “AUSTRALIA”. After studying abroad, I completed my practise teaching in Ontario and applied for a position at the York Region District School Board. I was very fortunate to become a teacher at Highview in 2007 and have been happy ever since.

For most of my life I have been involved in sports in one form or another. My wife Ashlee says that I’m sports obsessed. It is true that the first thing I do in the morning is turn on the television and watch Sports Center. It is also true that I am known to sit on the couch and watch countless hours of sports. Sitting in my comfortable nest chair, it is very common for me to be surrounded by my iPhone, iPad, and sometimes even my computer as my eyes are glued to the big game.

As a child, I played numerous sports including rep hockey, baseball, basketball, golf, soccer and even karate for a couple of years. To be honest, I played almost every sport growing up in some facet or another.

Now in my older age, I play about 40 rounds of golf in a summer. It is one of those games that can be so frustrating but at the same time can be so rewarding when you hit a good shot.  The best way to describe my golf game would be like a roller coaster, hi's, low's, twists and turns.  Some days I contemplate golf retirement, and then I magically hit a shot that sucks me back for more turbulence.

Another activity you may be surprised that I love to do is read. In my opinion, reading is much more then novels. I like to read internet articles on my iPad, magazines, and newspapers. This summer I read several books including "Golf is not a perfect game", "The Lost Masters", "Tiger, meet my sister", and a few hockey books.  Can anyone guess what all these books have in common?  Currently I’m reading "Divergent".  I decided I was mentally ready to read other utopian novel.  Well actually, my wife wants to watch the movie.  Everyone knows you read the book before watching the movie.

The most exhilarating week of the summer was our trip to the Exuma's, which is an island east of the Bahamas.  Stat of the day.... Did you know there are 700 islands in the Bahamas.  The turquoise water, white sand, and steamy hot temperatures made this location so memorable. It was a week I will never forget.

Once I became a middle aged adult, thirty years of age, I frequently complained about aches and pains.  It's pretty simple, my body doesn't recover like it did when I was your age.  Left shoulder, right shoulder, hip flexor, ankle, index finger.....Let's say I'm keeping my physiotherapist in business.

We are all now back for another school year. Work hard, get involved, and have fun! I’m looking forward to spending another 200 days with you.

                                                                     Sincerely B. Kaufman