Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly Blogpost #1


Your task is to create your own bucket list (5 things) and post it onto your blog. Please describe why you chose each item and insert an image.  Here is the beginning of mine.  Next week you will present your bucket list to the class.

Beginning of Mr. K's bucket list

1.  Visit Fiji-  My wife and I have always wanted to travel to the beautiful country of Fiji.  This will be difficult to accomplish as it is located on the other side of the world.  As well,  if I go on my summer vacation, the seasons are flipped making it their winter.  If I travel across the globe, it better be ninety degrees.  I have a confession, technically I have been to Fiji. For a whopping 30 minutes, I was sitting on the runway at Nadi International airport while our plane refuelled on route to Brisbane, Australia.   

2.  Play golf at St. Andrews-  St. Andrews is often regarded as one of the oldest and most well known courses worldwide.  Many people refer to it as the "Home of Golf".  I enjoy watching and playing golf.  It is my dream to play at the "Old course" and walk across the Swilcan bridge which is located across the 18th hole fairway just like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson and many other legends.  Can you believe that on the seventeenth tee, you actually drive the ball over the edge of a hotel? Sounds dangerous!  

Due: Tuesday, September 15

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