Friday, October 31, 2014

To do list...

  • Math Handout- completed for Monday
  • Mini Research Project- (Research completed for Monday)
  • Science Homework 5.1 and bolded words- Next Science class
Happy Halloween


Descriptive writing task!

Describe this scene in as much detail as possible!

Success Criteria for Descriptive Writing

·      Powerful adjectives (towering cliffs)
·      Interesting verbs (rumbled, zipped)
·      Interesting adverbs (eagerly)
·      Be specific NOT general (NOT ‘There were lots of people on the beach’)
·      Uses appropriate senses (smell, sight, touch, taste, hear) to describe
·      Varied writing (word choice, entry into sentences)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

To do list...

  • Mini Research Project- Research needs to be completed by Monday (Must have a minimum of 3 academic sources)
  • Halloween Hop- tomorrow (Please bring in your money if you would like to attend the dance)
  • Math handout- #1, 2, 3 (Evaluating Algebraic Expressions)
*Students are not allowed to wear their costumes to school; they will be allowed to change into their costumes @ lunch recess for the Halloween Hop

Can you explain this pattern?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

To do list...

  • History Letter- due tomorrow
  • Math Handout- due tomorrow (Most of you were finished in class)
  • Research for your mini project- due Monday (We will start creating our presentations Monday in class)
  • Math Checkpoint- tomorrow (1 question)
Have a good night


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

To do list..

  • Math Test Signed
  • Math handout #3, 4, 5 (Honest attempt at 5b)
  • Math checkpoint tomorrow- (1 question)
  • Halloween Hop Money- Friday
Have a good night

Monday, October 27, 2014

Great Blogpost

Mini Research Project-- Person in History Who has Changed the World

Learning Goal: Choose a person in history who has changed the world for good.

Chris Hadfield
Malala Yousafzai
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King
Oprah Winfrey
Anne Frank
John Lennon
Princess Diana
Walt Disney
Steve Jobs
Barack Obama
Federick Banting

Success Criteria:
  • Provide background information about your person (family life, early life)
  • What they did that changed the world for good
  • What impact they had on the world
  • major accomplishments/ interesting facts
  • 3 Academic sources
  • Pictures

*You must use a minimum of 3 sources to support your claim

Create a presentation (Google Presentation, Keynote) about your person's impact on the world


Thursday, October 23, 2014


  • French signed- tomorrow
  • Weekly Blogpost- Monday
  • WEAR RED- tomorrow  
  • Math Test signed- tomorrow
Have a good night

Padlet- #3


  •  Greeting (Hi Emma)
  •  Body (Specific compliments, asking a question, make connections and/ or adding information to the post)
  • Closing (Sincerely, Regards)


-Is it clear?
-Is it kind?
-Is it helpful?
-Is it correct?

Blogging Comment Starters.

This idea makes me think....
I also wonder about......
I had a similar experience.....
I wonder why.....
Your writing made me think that we should...
This made me think about....


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


  • How does Carley's shopping trip with Mrs. Murphy differ from shopping with her mom? As well, compare your own clothes shopping trips with your MOM?
  • How is Carley's behaviour at the restaurant unexpected?  Why do you think she behaves that way?  How did you feel about it as you read it?
  • Why is "A Genie, Fresh Rolls and a Penguin" a good title for Chapter 10?  Be sure to use specific details to support your answer.
  • Why does Carley say that Mrs. Murphy scares her more than anyone else in Chapter 10?

To do list...

  • "I am" recording on blog- tomorrow
  • Wear house colour tomorrow for SPIRIT ASSEMBLY
  • Weekly Blogpost- Monday
  • Science Test- tomorrow
  • History (3 reasons including research done)- Monday
Have a good night


Monday, October 20, 2014

To do list..

  • Math Evaluation tomorrow
  • "I am"- Wednesday
  • Music playing test- tomorrow
  • Science Test- Wednesday
  • Weekly Blogpost- Monday




"Don't think outside the box, think without the box!" - Kathy Witherow

Weekly Blogpost "What will the world look like in the year 2050?" (36 years from now)

Part 1: On Google Drive create a document called "What will the world .......".  List and explain what you think the world will look like in the year 2050?  Be sure to include school, transportation, technology, and daily life along with your own ideas.

Beginning of Mr. K

I'm intrigued to see the world in thirty six years time.  To begin with, I will be sixty seven years old,  and collecting old age pension.  I will have been married for forty years.  There is a strong possibility I will be bald and less mobile.

It's hard to believe that when I started teaching seven years ago, laptops were scarce, my left hand erased my writing on the chalkboard and overhead projectors were a teacher's best friend.  Wait, overheads are still some teacher's go to device.....

Part 2: Create a list of 10 items that will no longer exist!  For example: Desktop Computers, snail mail etc

Beginning of Mr. Kaufman's List

1. Desktop Computers

2. Snail Mail

Due: Monday, October 27

Friday, October 17, 2014

To do list...

  • Review for Tuesday's Math Test
  • Weekly Blogpost- due Monday
  • "I am" recording on your blog by Wednesday
  • Halloween Hop money- ASAP
  • Signed Rubrics- Perseverance writing/ Love of Music  
  • Science Test- Wednesday
  • Music Playing Test- Tuesday

Have a good weekend


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Math Evaluation- Tuesday, October 22

We will be reviewing tomorrow and Monday for our upcoming Number Sense Test.  The following concepts will be on the evaluation:

  • Multiples (common and LCM)
  • Factors (common and GCF)
  • Divisibility Rules
  • Exponents
  • Square Roots
  • Order of Operations

To do list....

  •  Math Handout (5 Order of Operations questions)- tomorrow
  •  PSA viewing- tomorrow
  • Math Test- Tuesday, October 22  (SEE POST ABOVE)
  • Science Test- Wednesday, October 23
  • WEEKLY BLOGPOST- Friday October 24
  • "I am" recording- On blog for Wedesday, October 23

Have a good night 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

One for the Murphys- Questions Week #1


After learning what Carley's mom did to her, why do you think Carley still wants to go  
back and live with her mom so badly?

The flashback in chapter 7 brings us back to the night that everything changed for Carley. At the end of the flashback we get a startling revelation. What is it? How did you react to it?

To do list...

  • Math Order of Operations handout #1-4
  • PSA viewing- Friday
  • Practicing "I am" for fluency, volume & expression
Have a good night


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

To do list...

  • Math Textbook Pg 24  #5-8, 12
  • "I am" printed and ready to practise
  • PICTURE DAY tomorrow
  • Rubrics signed- ASAP (Perseverance, I love music...)
  • Public Service Announcement- due tomorrow
Have a good night


Friday, October 10, 2014

To do List...

  • Public Service Announcement- due Wednesday
  • "I am"- Revised & Printed for Wednesday
  • History- First three groups on sheet completed
  • Science Test- Wed., October 22
Happy Thanksgiving


Math Questions- Part 1

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Trip Advisor- Lake St. George

Your task is to write a trip review of your time at Lake St. George.

Success Criteria

  • Introduction/ Conclusion
  • Pros and Cons of the facility and the activities
  • Organized (Logical Sequence)
  • General overview of trip (Example: Activities) 

Below is a sample review of my trip to the Exumas!  I posted my review on trip advisor.

Sandals Emerald Bay

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chapter 1- One for the Murphys

One for the Murphys

1. The first chapter does not say exactly what has happened to Carley, but the author provides the reader with several hints.  What can you infer about Carley and her current situation from the first chapter?  Use specific details to support your inferences.

2.  Carley thinks, "And I hope that I do not like her."  Why do you think she would have that wish about her foster mother?

One for the Murphys- What's broken?

What's broken?

One for the Murphys Predictions

Friday, October 3, 2014



I'm going to give you $10 000 every day for the next month


I'm going to give you $2 on the first day of the month and double it every day for the next month (30 days)

You have 10 seconds to decide, WHICH OPTION WOULD YOU CHOOSE?

In your table groups, calculate how much you make in each scenario!  SHOW ALL WORK

TodaysMeet- Terry Fox

Click on the link


Thursday, October 2, 2014

GLOBAL READ ALOUD- One for the Murphys

We are going to be connecting with a Grade 7 class from Alberta!!!  Look at the book cover and write down your predictions.  We will be sending our predictions to EDMONTON for them to view

To do list....

Science Textbook (4 questions/ 4 definitions)- Next Science Period

PSA Materials- tomorrow

Have a good night


Terry Fox ESPN

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

To do list...

  • PSA- Setting a tentative date for Friday but I understand students are away at Cross Country and Hockey)
  • "Love of Music" Presentations will continue tomorrow and Friday

Important Dates:

Thurs. Oct. 2 - Cross Country Meet
Thurs. Oct. 2 - Meet the Teacher @ 6:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 3 - Terry Fox Run (in the afternoon); bring a toonie for Terry
Fri., Oct. 3 - PITA orders

Have a good night