Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly Blogpost "What will the world look like in the year 2050?" (36 years from now)

Part 1: On Google Drive create a document called "What will the world .......".  List and explain what you think the world will look like in the year 2050?  Be sure to include school, transportation, technology, and daily life along with your own ideas.

Beginning of Mr. K

I'm intrigued to see the world in thirty six years time.  To begin with, I will be sixty seven years old,  and collecting old age pension.  I will have been married for forty years.  There is a strong possibility I will be bald and less mobile.

It's hard to believe that when I started teaching seven years ago, laptops were scarce, my left hand erased my writing on the chalkboard and overhead projectors were a teacher's best friend.  Wait, overheads are still some teacher's go to device.....

Part 2: Create a list of 10 items that will no longer exist!  For example: Desktop Computers, snail mail etc

Beginning of Mr. Kaufman's List

1. Desktop Computers

2. Snail Mail

Due: Monday, October 27

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