Monday, October 27, 2014

Mini Research Project-- Person in History Who has Changed the World

Learning Goal: Choose a person in history who has changed the world for good.

Chris Hadfield
Malala Yousafzai
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King
Oprah Winfrey
Anne Frank
John Lennon
Princess Diana
Walt Disney
Steve Jobs
Barack Obama
Federick Banting

Success Criteria:
  • Provide background information about your person (family life, early life)
  • What they did that changed the world for good
  • What impact they had on the world
  • major accomplishments/ interesting facts
  • 3 Academic sources
  • Pictures

*You must use a minimum of 3 sources to support your claim

Create a presentation (Google Presentation, Keynote) about your person's impact on the world

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