Friday, April 24, 2015

"5 Things in 5 Days" Ideas....

  • Bar spin on a scooter
  • Bake cookies
  • Fill car with gas
  • Back flip on trampoline
  • Eat Carolina Reaper
  • Beat Portal two
  • Play Horror game in dark
  • Make a pizza/coke smoothie
  • 1000 pushups in a row
  • Bake for a good cause
  • First bike ride of the season
  • Learn to play Carcassonne
  • Pull a prank
  • Eat sushi
  • Make dinner for my family
  • 1000 hockey shots in a row
  • Break a hockey stick
  • Pull an all nighter
  • Put as many pieces of gum in my mouth
  • Raise money for Grace Bowen
  • Family Tree
  • Make Breakfast for family
  • Make a new cup stacking routine
  • Learn to juggle
  • Play a song on my guitar 
  • Build a bow
  • Eat sushi
  • 2 hr bike ride
  • Alley-oop
  • Sleep on a floor
  • Message in a bottle
  • Fireworks
  • Animal Tracks
  • New dog trick
  • Making a song
  • Chips/candy for every meal
  • No technology for 5 hours
  • Make homemade lasagna
  • Buy the context 15
  • Cinnamon challenge
  • Bring candy into the movies
  • Greet random people
  • Eat pancakes for all meals
  • Go a day without technology
  • Go to Eaton Centre
  • Morse Code
  • Ice Bucket challenge 3 times
  • Front layout
  • Watch the Sunrise
  • Eat at Taco Bell
  • Video Game hockey
  • Go down the stairs
  • Put a new light bulb in
  • Write a fan letter
  • Make a wire pendant
  • Drink a full cup of coffee
  • Jump from the sixth stair
  • Trampoline trick
  • Drink lemon juice
  • Drink Hot sauce
  • Make homemade speakers
  • Scooter trick
  • Do a chore
  • Eat Indian food 
  • Eat Candy for supper
  • Learn how to do a cartwheel
  • Make a photo album
  • Visit the locks
  • Go on a nature walk
  • Handwritten letter
  • German language
  • Learn 30 digits of Pie (Math)
  • Tie die shirt
  • Don't talk to Ms. Dion in Math
  • Make a bow
  • Try a new food
  • Back leg bend
  • Make chocolate covered strawberry
  • Chug water bottle in 45 seconds
  • Back whip
  • Jump in freezing cold lake
  • Win a race
  • Face time in a different country (Ireland)
  • Cook a fried egg
  • Help someone
  • No iPod for 24 hrs
  • Learn to juggle
  • Make a ramp for remote control
  • Hit hockey target
  • Filet a fish
  • Clean the garage
  • Go to a Japanese restaurant
  • Win a basketball bet
  • Crayon melt
  • Meet the Goldman
  • Check oil in a car
  • Geocaching
  • Write with left hand
  • What's in Mcdonald's food?
  • Make giant Smore
  • Learn the Roman numeral symbols
  • Not fight with my brother
  • Not talk during lunch 
  • Walk 10 000 steps
  • No treats for 1 day
  • Complete the alphabet backwards
  • Pottery
  • Drink Black Coffee
  • Yodel
  • Play on PS3
  • Read a book in less than 3 hours

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