Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Example App Review

Does TSN GO Really Go?
By: Mr. Hussey

            (Introduction) I recently downloaded TSN GO for my Samsung Ace 2X. This app made by TSN is a version of the same app that exists for all “I” devices. (let me do) The app advertises that it is a complete sports app allowing me to look at scores and stats from across the sports world. It does this allowing me access to many sports leagues including games, statistics, scores, headlines and videos. (cost, ads and ease of use) The app while being free to download and of advertisements has the fundamental flaw that every third time I go to use it, it will not load and I have to exit completely and try again, this can be frustrating especially if you are looking for quick updates on sports games.

             (Sound and Graphics) The design of this app is fairly user friendly all of the graphics are touchable and easy to use, the app itself is sound free but that is fine, as I do not need sounds to check my sports scores. (interactive) The app is fairly interactive allowing me to see individual player or team stats by simply touching their picture or going to the appropriate menu feature.  (layout) This being said I would not say that this app is particularly easy to use. The app opens up with the main scores of the teams you are following but once you are in the menu for more features is hidden in the corner and can be unresponsive to touch. This happens for the sub menus as well.

            (customization) Overall this app can be customized for different users allowing you to choose what scores you see on the central score board meaning that you only get the information that you want. (content access and load time) The content is easily accessed through the menu screen, though it can take a while to load and leave your whole phone unusable causing you to miss important phone calls, texts or e-mails.  (conclusion) Overall I would say this is a good app for a sports fan but if you fear losing your phone to load screens and excessive data this may not be the app for you. (score) I give it a 10/15.

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