Monday, April 20, 2015

App Logo Design

Apple/Netflix  Design !

You have been hired by Apple or Netflix! Congratulations! Your job is to design a new logo to represent either company. This logo must fit all of the six success criteria. It many not just be the old logo but in a new colour, they want something new and interesting. This can be done digitally or by hand.  with your design you are to explain how your logo fits all six of the criteria. Remember they are…

1.   Simple: One recognizable, powerful image (Colour choice a simple one colour, one image logo)

2.   Appropriate for the business: Relates to the product name or what the product does

3.   Memorable: A good logo makes a connection to the product and makes the user think or catches their attention.

4.   Versatile: Image works in all sizes (no little details that are to hard to read or see)

5.   Timeless. Works easily with a company name now and in the future.

6.   Audience: Who is the logo designed for?


(you are not being marked on your art ability for this)

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